In 1919, the old Caldor Box Factory opened the mill to produce wooden boxes for the industry of the day.
Caldor remained in business until 1958, when the wooden box market gave way to cardboard. Caldor sold the mill in 1958 to American Forest
Products, who took advantage of the massive indoor mill space to store lumber. For 13 years American Forest Products capitalized on the mills location
close to Hwy 50, and to the wide open spaces the mill provided.
In 1971, the Wetsel family of Placerville, CA, bought the mill and surrounding land. John Wetsel modified the mill and opened the location
as a manufacturing plant for door and window frames. John used the mill for manufacturing until 1990. As the business climate began to change, John decided
to focus his efforts in the development of an industrial park and as a result the mill was leased out as a wood trim manufacturing plant which it remained
until 1996, when Old Mill Boat & RV Self Storage came into existence.